MP3 and MP4 Sermon Audio and Video Browser

These sermons were preached by David W. Legg for Lee Mill Congregational Church (Devon), Ashford Congregational Church (Middlesex), Stanwell Congregational Church, St Peters IPC, Liss (Hampshire), and Trinity Church, Liphook, UK. This is not the Irish David Legg, nor the American one but the British one (note spelling of surname is 'Legg', not 'Legge'.)

If, however, you were looking for the Covenant Books UK catalogue, please click on the hyperlink.

Simply press Control-F and search within your browser window for individual topics, Bible books etc. E.g. Control-F followed by 'Psalm 42'.

1Introduction to Ruth for Trinity TrainingDavid Legg et alTrinity Training/82024ruth introduction trinity training 40 minutes seminar-style introduction to the book of Ruth with discussion. Focussing on God's loving-kindness and the redeemer theme leading to Jesus. (Handout)

2Introduction to Numbers for Trinity Training 2024/05/05David Legg et alTrinity Training/42024numbers introduction trinity training 40 minute seminar introducing the book of Numbers with notes and some discussion. Key themes, verses, parties in Numbers. Focus on how important it is not to harden our hearts when we hear God's word, thereby being among those who make it to the promised land and do not die in the desert. (Handout)

3Introduction to Leviticus for Trinity Training 2024/03/10David Legg et alTrinity Training/32024leviticus introduction trinity training 35 minute seminar introducing the book of Leviticus. Key themes include God's holiness and ours. (Handout)

4Introduction to Judges for Trinity TrainingDavid Legg et alTrinity Training/72024judges introduction trinity training 40 minutes seminar-style introduction to the book of Judges with discussion. (Handout)

5Introduction to Joshua for Trinity Church LiphookDavid Legg et alTrinity Training/62024joshua introduction trinity training A 37 minute seminar giving an overview of Joshua with a helpful discussion about genocide, ethic cleansing etc. (Handout)

6Introduction to Genesis for Trinity Training 2024/01/07David Legg et alTrinity Training/12024genesis introduction trinity training 38 minute seminar introducing the book of Genesis in the Bible. How is it structured? What are its main themes? How does it hold together? What are the most important features? What does it mean for us. Lands on Genesis 50:20 as the verse with perhaps the most explaining power in the book, helping us to come to terms with life, the universe and everything. (Handout)

7Introduction to Exodus for Trinity Training 2024/02/25David Legg et alTrinity Training/22024exodus introduction trinity training 35 minute seminar on the book of Exodus, particularly with reference to how it pictures Jesus in many ways. (Handout)

8Introduction to Deuteronomy for Trinity Training 2024/06/16David Legg et alTrinity Training/52024deuteronomy introduction trinity training 36 minute seminar introducing the final book of the Pentateuch, with discussion and (Handout)

91 Timothy 4:6-16 - Make an Effort to Set a Godly ExampleDavid LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in 1 Timothy/720241 Timothy 4 6-16 Make an Effort to Set a Godly Example 25 minute exposition of 1 Timothy 4, focussing on godliness and setting a good example to others for their blessing, our blessing, both now and in eternity. Special application to the lazy man/father/husband to come to the church prayer meetings. (Handout)

10Philippians 4:2-9 inc. 4:6-7 What could possibly go wrong?David LeggTCL Preaching series in Philippians/92024philippians 4 2-9 What Could Possibly Go Wrong Peace 31 minute exposition of Philippians 4:2-9, dealing with helping Eudoia and Syntyche, the cure for anxiety and promise of peace. Transactional praying like Hezekiah. (Handout)

11Philippians 2:19-30 How to Partner in the GospelDavid LeggTCL Preaching series in Philippians/52024philippians 2 19-30 How to Partner in the Gospel Timothy Epaphroditus 34 minute exposition and application focussing on the examples of Timothy and Epaphroditus, plus Phoebe and Selina Countess of Huntingdon. (Handout)

12Philippians 1:12-26 - Making progress towards verse 21David LeggTCL Preaching series in Philippians/32024philippians 1 12-26 Making Progress towards v21 34 minute exposition and application focussing on making progress towards being able to say (loudly) "For me to live is Christ, and to die gain." (Handout)

13Isaiah 53 - Jesus, Pronouns and UsDavid Legg et alSunday morning communion at FEC/12024isaiah 53 jesus pronouns and us FEC ESV 15 minute exposition of Isaiah 52:13-53:6 focusing particularly on the pronouns that refer to Jesus and us his people to help us to understand the atonement in the context of a communion service.

14Psalm 139 - Respond to God's Greatness in WorshipDavid LeggSunday morning at Stanwell Congregational Church/1022024psalm 139 Respond to Gods Greatness in Worship Choice and Repentance SCC NIV84 26 minute exposition of Psalm 139, covering God's omniscience, omnipresence and being our Creator. We mustrespond to him in worship, by choosing to serve him alone, and in daily repentance. (Handout)

15Psalm 10 - Why does God hide himself?David LeggSunday morning at FEC/22024psalm 10 Why Does God Hide Himself FEC ESV 28 minute exposition of Psalm 10, exploring the 7 answer to the titular question from the psalm itself. God hides himself sometimes in order to strengthen your relationship with him. (Handout)

16Psalm 56 - Walking Before God in the Light of LifeDavid LeggSunday Evening Psalms for Trinity Church Liphook/562024psalm 56 Walking Before God ESV 32 minute exposition of Psalm 56. Take your attention away from your enemies/problems/whatever. Keep your eye on the LORD, through trusting the Lord Jesus. Also takes in Matthew 14:23-33. (Handout)

17Psalm 55 and 2 Samuel 15-17 - Finding PeaceDavid LeggSunday Evening Psalms for Trinity Church Liphook/552024psalm 55 Finding Peace ESV Psalm 55 and 2 Samuel 15-17 - Finding Peace even while the storm is raging. David finds confidence in God through Jesus, clarity by the Holy Spirit, and casts his burden on the LORD. Controversially, Mendelssohn is even better than Handel. More importantly, the human Jesus helps us find confidence in God. (Handout)

18Psalm 54 - Have you Ever been Betrayed?David LeggSunday Evening Psalms for Trinity Church Liphook/542024psalm 54 Have You Ever Been Betrayed ESV 31 minute exposition of Psalm 54 with reference to 1 Samuel 23 when David was betrayed by the citizens of Ziph. How must we react when we are betrayed. Structure of Psalm 54 on (Handout)

19Psalm 49 - Wisdom ActuallyDavid LeggSunday Evening Psalms for Trinity Church Liphook/492024psalm 49 Wisdom Actually ESV 31 minute evangelistic exposition of Psalm 49, but also for Christians. We must not hold on to gospel wisdom, but give it away to unbelievers. Unbelievers: Money etc. cannot save you; only God can redeem your life from the grave. (Handout)

20Psalm 46 - Will We Be Afraid?David LeggSunday Evening Psalms for Trinity Church Liphook/462024psalm 46 Will We Be Afraid ESV 32 minute exposition of Psalm 46. We must not fear (be afraid) because God is our refuge and strength explained and brought up to date then applied. Hopefully, actually help with our worry and fears. (Handout)

21Psalm 42 - Stop Listening to Yourself and Start Speaking God's Truth to YourselfDavid LeggSunday Evening Psalms for Trinity Church Liphook/422024psalm 42 Stop Listening Start Talking to Yourself ESV A half-hour exposition of Psalm 42, particularly focussing on our need to stop listening to our miserable souls and to start speaking God's trust to ourselves instead. Makes reference to CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and refers to the ESV. (Handout)

22Psalm 40 - The Real Test of FaithDavid LeggSunday Evening Psalms for Trinity Church Liphook/402024psalm 40 The Real Test of Faith ESV A 42 minute, better explained, exposition of Psalm 40, but based on the ESV - so it takes a little longer. Trusting God in the storm glorifies him as trustworthy and helps others too. (Handout)

23Genesis 3:15 - Jesus turns 3 curses into blessingsDavid LeggSunday 11am at Feltham Evangelical Church/22024genesis 3 15 Jesus Turns 3 Curses Into Blessings FEC A 35 minute exposition of Genesis 3:15 showing how the 3 curses in the verse, in Christ, become 3 blessings to everyone who is in Christ. Change sides so that you are no longer on the side of the devil but on Jesus' side, Eve's side, the offspring of the woman. (Handout)

24Psalm 40 - The Real Test of FaithDavid LeggOne-off visit to Stanwell Congregreational Church/12024psalm 40 The Real Test of Faith SCC 34 minute exposition of mainly the first half of Psalm 40. David's trust in God; Not trusting idols or those who trust in idols; What Jesus did not only to make up for our failure to trust God, but also trusting him fully for us and paying for all our sin. (Handout)

25Leviticus 5:14-6:7 - Atonement Actually - Guilt OfferingsDavid LeggLeviticus on Sunday evenings for TCL/42024leviticus 5 14-6 7 guilt offering-atonement actually Understand levitical guilt offerings in order to understand Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Do not try to atone for your own sin; only Christ can save. (Handout)

26Leviticus 2 and 3- Grain and Peace (Fellowship) OfferingsDavid LeggLeviticus on Sunday evenings for TCL/22024leviticus 2 3 grain and peace or fellowship offerings incomplete 20 minute, but incomplete, exposition of Leviticus 2 and 3 applying the offerings to our prayer, giving and participation in the Lord's Supper. (Handout)

27Luke 22:24-30 Serving JesusDavid LeggCommunion at FEC/12024luke 22 24-30 Serving Jesus FEC communion sermonette10 minute talk on letting Jesus serve us before we serve him. Applied to how we participate in the Lord's supper, and also to how we should go about serving humbly in general in church life. (Handout)

28Apostles' Creed #3 'suffered, died, buried, descended into hell' Acts 13:13-30David LeggApostles' Creed/32024apostles creed 3 suffered died buried hell acts 13 13-30 ESV 28 minute exposition of part of the Apostles' Creed: 'Jesus Christ ... suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead/hell.' Did Jesus really go to hell? How can we co-operate with God's plan, Jesus' death. Jesus' death was a historic incident, not just legend. (Handout)

29Isaiah 63:15-64-12 What is Wrong?David LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah/372023isaiah 63 15-64-12 What is Wrong A 30 minute exposition of Isaiah 63 and 64 focussing on genuine repentance, not grieving the Holy Spirit, and arguing with the Lord in prayer - 4 arguments why he should hear us. (Handout)

30Isaiah 61:1-62:7 Recognising Jesus, Ourselves and ZionDavid LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah/352023isaiah 61 1-62-7 Recognising Jesus Ourselves and Zion A 32 minute exposition of Isaiah 61-62:7, tying in with Luke 4, making the connection between what we must recognise, e.g. Jesus as Messiah-King in Isaiah 61, and how we must then react. (Handout)

31Isaiah 59:15c-60:22 Jesus' Proper JobDavid LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah/342023isaiah 59 15c-60 22 Jesus Proper Job 31 minute exposition of Isaiah 59/60 about the Lord's righteousness, Jesus' righteousness, imputed righteousness, his and our forensic righteousness, and everlasting righteousness. Application to our prayer lives. (Handout)

32Isaiah 51:17-52:12 God's CupsDavid LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah/282023isaiah 51 17-52 12 Gods Cups 25 minute, directly evangelistic, exposition of Isaiah 51-52 about Jesus drinking the cup of God's wrath so that you don't have to! (Handout)

33Isaiah 51:1-16 Arm of the LORD, awake!David LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah/272023isaiah 51 1-16 Arm of the LORD awake 30 minutes exposition about how we can come to pray Isaiah 51:9 'Arm of the LORD, awake!'.

34Isaiah 49:14-50:3 So What's the Problem?David LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah/252023isaiah 49 14-50 3 So What is the Problem 27 minute exposition about the new covenant blessings promised to Zion and her children. Prayer for the unsaved. (Handout)

35Isaiah 49:1-13 The Servant FilesDavid LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah/242023isaiah 49 1-13 The Servant Files A 31 minute exposition of the second servant song. The servant succeeds where we fail. The servant gets all the glory; we get all the blessing. (Handout)

36Isaiah 43:22-44:23 True Worship - 5 Deserts and IdolatryDavid LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah/182023isaiah 43 22-44 23 True Worship 5 Deserts and Idolatry A 29 minute exposition of Isaiah 43:22-44:23 with particular focus on what we deserve, idolatry and the dangers of worshipping modern idols instead of God.

37Isaiah 41 - The Holy One of IsraelDavid LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah/162023isaiah 41 the Holy One of Israel A 28 minute exposition of Isaiah 41, addressing the problem of worrying about the future, the plight of atheists, pagans, humanists, the confidence of Christians.

38Psalm 38 - The Fruit of RighteousnessDavid LeggSunday Evening Psalms for Trinity Church Liphook/382023psalm 38 The Fruit of Righteousness 28 minute exposition of psalm 38 which focusses on responding well to God's chastisements/discipline, based on the heart of the gospel in Christ's cry of dereliction.

39Psalm 33 - Sing a New SongDavid LeggSunday Evening Psalms for Trinity Church Liphook/332023psalm 33 Sing a New Song A 33 minute exposition of Psalm 33 with application for us in the area of noticing what God is doing nowadays, and on co-operating with him, rather than simply asking him to bless what we are doing.

40Matthew 28:10-20 Authority - The Great CommissionDavid LeggOne-off/12023matthew 28 Authority LIPC Great CommissionA 26 minute exposition of Matthew 28 focussing on becoming confident disciple-making disciples. Applied to both Christians and Not-yet-Christians. (Handout)

41Mark 2:1-12 A Hole in the Roof: 5 Amazing Things about JesusDavid LeggOne-off evangelistic sermon for Stanwell Congregational Church/12023mark 2 1-12 Hole in Roof 5 Amazing Things SCC29 exposition of Mark 2, focussing on Jesus' spiritual priorities, his divinity and his authority to forgive your sin, if you will only put your trust in him. This message is compatible with believing in a Limited (Definite) Atonement!

42Judges 8:1-32 - Fighting FOR ChristDavid LeggLife Without a King - TCL preaching series in Judges/82023judges 8 1-32 Fighting FOR Christ 24 minute exposition of Judges 8, the continuation of the Gideon account, dealing with the 3 sins of pride, risk aversion and control freakery. Applied to the21st century Christian life.

43Judges 2:6-3:6 - Testing TimesDavid LeggLife Without a King - TCL preaching series in Judges/22023judges 2 6-3 6 Testing Times A 33 minute exposition of Judges 2:6-3:6, including an analysis of the second(!) introduction to Judges. The testing of the people and spiritual warfare. Application to the modern Christian life. Challenge to the unbelieving. (Handout)

44Judges 17-19:a How to Lose EverythingDavid LeggLife Without a King - TCL preaching series in Judges/172023Judges 17-18 How to Lose Everything A 32 minute exposition of Judges 17 and 18 (Micah's Idols) looking at how idolatry can be performed whilst still invoking the name of the true God. Is your worship genuine? Does your mind wander or worry when you should be worshipping God, and worshipping with your whole life? (Handout)

45Judges 10, 11 and 12 - Jephtha's Vow - Don't Trust in Let-DownsDavid LeggLife Without a King - TCL preaching series in Judges/102023Judges 10 11 12-Jephthas Vow Dont Trust In Let-Downs 30 minute exposition of Judges 10 - 12 focussing on all the let-downs including Jephtha and his foolish vow. Did he really sacrifice his daughter? Find out. Also refer to Dale Ralph Davis' fine commentary for some of the detail. (Handout)

46Mark 9:2-13 The Transfiguration: Listen to the SonDavid LeggIPC Preaching Series in Mark's gospel/32023Mark 9 2-13 Transfiguration Listen to the Son--IPCDid the transfiguration really happen? Why was Elijah there? Why Moses? Listen to Jesus about Jesus, and especially about his mission in the second part of Mark's gospel. 27 minutes. (Handout)

471 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath - The Battle Belongs to the LORDDavid LeggBiblical Typology/120231 Samuel 17 David and Goliath The Battle Belongs to the LORD SCCA 26 minute exposition of 1 Samuel 17 focussing on David as a type of Christ who delivers us from our biggest enemies and enecourages and empowers us to deal with the little ones ... (Handout)

48Isaiah 37 - It's Not All About MeDavid LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah/122022isaiah 37 its not all about me 34 minute exposition of Isaiah 37 with application especially to prayer.

49Isaiah 36:1-37:7 Hezekiah - Talking the TalkDavid LeggTrinity Church Liphook preaching series in Isaiah 2022/112022isaiah 36 1-37 7 talking the talk 29 minute exposition of Isaiah 36-37:1 focussing on the need for the Christian to learn from Hezekiah's great example of talking the talk through faith in God and his promises.

50Romans 12:16, 15:5,6 Live in Harmony with One AnotherDavid LeggThe One Anothers in the NT./12022romans 12-16 15-5 6 live in harmony with one another A 31 minute applied exposition of Romans, especially 12:16 and 15:5-6 focussing on reading the Bible in a 'One Another' way, and on how it affects church life.

51The Great Commission in Isaiah 12David LeggTCL Preaching Series in Isaiah/42022Isaiah 12 The Great Commission in Isaiah How evangelism must be fuelled by our worship and, indeed, be part of our worship through doxological evangelism. 34 minutes.

52Isaiah 34 - 35 Blessing Through DisciplineDavid LeggTCL Preaching Series in Isaiah 2022/102022isaiah 34 35 blessing through discipline 30 minute exposition of Isaiah 34 and 35, tying it in with the fate of the Edomites in Obadiah, and applying it to us via Hebrews 12.

53Psalm 28 - Praying ConfidentlyDavid LeggSunday Evening Psalms for Trinity Church Liphook/12022psalm 28 praying confidently 33 exposition of Psalm 28, (very) applied to prayer in situations where we feel we have no specific promises. But we can still insist reverently that God hear our prayers.

54Trust in God's perfect timing - The Persistent Widow and the Unjust JudgeDavid LeggParables Jesus told/82022Luke 18 1-8-Persistent-Widow-Parable-Gods-Timing-Perfect ACC A 25 minute exposition of Luke 18:1-8 with application to our prayer lives. Given at Ashford Congregatonal Church 13 th March, 2022.

55Mark 7:24-31 - Convert Privilege into FaithDavid Legg, reading by Sarah LiechtyIPC Preaching series in Mark's gospel/12022Mark 7 24-31.mp434 minute exposition of Mark 7:24-31, the Syro-Phoenician woman and the Deaf/Mute Man.

56King David: Living Righteously in Psalm 26David LeggKing David: Living Righteously in Psalm 26/12022Psalm 26 David Living Righteously A 44 minute exposition of Psalm 26 about how it is possible to live a righteous life by following King David's example. Apologies for the poor sound quality :(

57Mark 7:24-31 - Convert Privilege into FaithDavid Legg, reading by Sarah LiechtyIPC Preaching series in Mark's gospel/12022Mark 7 24-31 Convert Privilege into Faith IPC 34 minute exposition of Mark 7:24-31, the Syro-Phoenician woman and the Deaf/Mute Man.

58Psalm 14 - Practical AtheismDavid LeggTrinity Church Liphook/3/12021Psalm 14 Practical Atheism 29 minute exposition with application

59Exodus 31 - The Holy Spirit, Bezalel and Oholiab, and UsDavid LeggThe work of the Holy Spirit in Bezalel and Oholiab./12021Exodus 31 The Holy Spirit Bezalel and Oholiab FECThe work of the Holy Spirit in Bezalel, Oholiab, and us, the gospel, with reference to Genesis 1:2, Exodus 31 and Acts 2. Pentecost Sunday at Feltham Evangelical Church. (Handout)

601 Kings 19 - Serving and Seeing Things God's WayDavid LeggSunday 11am at Feltham Evangelical Church/120211 Kings 19 Elijah Serving and Seeing Things Gods Way FECElijah's suicidal depression, how he felt, what he thought and how God was working and normally works among us nowadays too.

61Psalm 19 - Keep On Responding to God's RevelationDavid LeggPsalm 19 for Trinity Church Liphook/2/Sermon for Trinity Church Liphook2021Psalm 19 Keep Responding to Gods Revelation TLCRespond to God's revelation in creation, scripture and in fearing God. Remember to keep praying, "Lead us not into Temptation"; learn from King David's mistake. 29 minutes.

62Micah 3 - Reformation Day and RepentanceDavid LeggIPC Liss Preaching Series in the prophet Micah/12021Micah 3 Reformation Day 2021 and Repentance29 minute Exposition of Micah chapter 3, relating it especially to Reformation Day, Martin Luther's 95 Theses, and our own repentance.

63Live with Jesus as King (Palm Sunday)David Legg/Sarah LiechtyEaster at Liss IPC/12021Luke 19 28 3 Palm Sunday IPCLive every part of every day with Jesus as King.

642 Samuel 12 - David's AtonementDavid LeggSermon for Trinity Church Liphook/12020-05-302 Samuel 12 Davids AtonementSin can be forgiven but there are consequences. 29 minute exposition with application.

65The Holy Spirit is Not an Optional ExtraDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/22020acts 2 1-41 The Holy Spirit is Not an Optional Extra

66Psalm 10 - Why Does God Hide Himself?David LeggSermon for Trinity Church Liphook/2020Psalm 10 why does god hide audioShort video exposition of Psalm 10, drawing lessons from those times of life when God hides himself even from his own people.

67Romans 3:21-29 - An Alien RighteousnessDavid Legg, reading Sarah LiechtyRomans/12020Romans 3 21-29 An Alien Righteousness St Peters Liss IPCIf we have an 'alien' righteousness, as Martin Luther said, not our own, from God, through Christ, then we are truly right with God. Furthermore, we are enabled to share the gospel with those who are different from ourselves.

68Everybody Needs Good NeighboursDavid LeggParables in Luke, Liss IPC Summer/2020Luke 10 25-42 good lipc samaritanThe Good Samaritan, informed by the lawyer, Martha and Mary.

69Psalm 10 - Why Does God Hide Himself?David LeggSermon for Trinity Church Liphook/12020Psalm 10 why does god hide .mp4Short video exposition of Psalm 10, drawing lessons from those times of life when God hides himself even from his own people.

70Everybody Needs Good NeighboursDavid and Sue LeggParables in Luke for Liss IPC Summer 2020/12020Luke 10 Good Samaritan.mp4The Good Samaritan - a short video exposition of the parable, but informed by the Lawyer, Martha and Mary.

71Disasters - How should we react to them in the 21st Century?David LeggDisasters/12020Disaster Plagues COVID and the Bible.mp49 minute sermonette on Luke 13 and many others verses in the Bible

722 Samuel 12 - David's AtonementDavid LeggSermon for Trinity Church Liphook/120202 Samuel 12 Davids Atonement.mp4Sin can be forgiven but there are consequences. 29 minute exposition with application.

73Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 - What time is it? A time for EverythingDavid LeggWisdom/42018ecclesiastes 3 1-15 a time for everythingA time to learn to fear God

74Ecclesiastes 1+2 : Don't Do Life the Hard WayDavid LeggWisdom/32018ecclesiastes 1 2 dont do life the hard wayLearn wisdom from Solomon in Ecclesiastes. The profound difference between observational wisdom and revealed wisdom. How Solomon learned the difference. How we can save ourselves a whole load of grief by learning from Solomon, i.e. from scripture. (Handout)

75Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8 - Remember Your CreatorDavid LeggWisdom/62018ecclesiastes 11 7-12 8 remember your creatorFour reasons why you should remember you Creator before it's too late.

76Joshua 24 - O Joshua, I have Promised... - New Year 2018David LeggJoshua/New Year/12018joshua 24 new year 2018

77Psalm 90 - God, Our Eternal HomeDavid LeggWisdom/12017psalm 90 end of 2017

78John 16 - How to Have PeaceDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/2017john 16 how to have peace

79Acts 6:1-7 - Unexpected Kingdom PrioritiesDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/162017acts 6 1-7 kingdom prioritiesThe priorities of organisation, prayer, the word and the Spirit

80Acts 5:17-42 - Fearing God, Not Other PeopleDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/152017acts 5 17-42Jaws - John Williams

81Acts 5:12-16 - Signs and WondersDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/142017acts 5 12-16

82Acts 4:36-5:11 - Ananias and Sapphira - Fearing JesusDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/132017acts 4 36-5 11

83Acts 4:32-27 - SharingDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/122017acts 4 32-37One People, One Purpose, One Example

84Acts 4:23-31 - Beating Spiritual BlindnessDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/112017acts 4 23-31

85Acts 4:1-22 - Opposing God?!David LeggThe Acts of Jesus/102017acts 4 1-22The futility of opposing God

86Acts 3:11-26 - Sins of IgnoranceDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/92017acts 3 11-26

87Acts 3:1-16 - A Beautiful Healing - 3 Mistakes Not to MakeDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/82017acts 3 1-16

88Acts 2:42-47 - Togetherness: Normal Church LifeDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/72017acts 2 42-47

89Acts 2:33-41 - The Sign of Three - Persons, Baptisms, Promises and 3000 SavedDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/62017acts 2 33-411. Have you been forgiven by the Father; 2. are you in the Son; 3. has the Holy Spirit moved in to your life and heart to make you holy too?

90Acts 2:22-32 - God's Plan 'A'David LeggThe Acts of Jesus/52017acts 2 22-324 told-you-sos from Peter's sermon on Psalm 16

91Acts 2:1-21 - Pentecost - What does speaking in tongues mean?David LeggThe Acts of Jesus/42017acts 2 1-21Tongues are good news and bad news...

92Acts 1:6-11 - To the ends of the earth?David LeggThe Acts of Jesus/22017acts 1 6-11

93Acts 1:12-26 - Recovering from SuicideDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/32017acts 1 12-26Giving priority to prayer, Bible and leadership

94Acts 1:1-5 - Previously in Luke - The Acts of JesusDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/12017acts 1 1-5

95Psalm 32 - If David Could be Forgiven... RIB #1David LeggRIBs - Really Important Bits/12017psalm 32 rib1Sin

96Matthew 6:33 - Top Priority - RIB #3David LeggRIBs - Really Important Bits/32017matthew 6-33 top priority rib3

97Luke 11:1-4 - RIB #6 The Lord's Prayer or the Losers' Prayer?David LeggRIBs - Really Important Bits/62017luke 11 1-4 the lords prayer or the losers prayer rib6

98John 14:6; Deu 6:4 - RIB #5 Jesus and PluralismDavid LeggRIBs - Really Important Bits/52017john 14-6 Deu 6-4 jesus pluralism rib5Pluralism, Post-modernism etc.

992 Corinthians 4:18 - RIB #2 - The Most Important ThingDavid LeggRIBs - Really Important Bits/220172 corinthians 4-18 rib2

100Luke 19:28-44 - Palm Sunday - Jesus: More than KingDavid LeggParables in Luke/12017luke 19 28-44 palm sunday

101Luke 18:9-17 - Pharisee and Tax Collector, Little ChildrenDavid LeggParables in Luke/12017luke 18 pharisee tax collector

102Luke 15:11-32 - The Other SonDavid LeggParables in Luke/152017luke 15 11-32 LMCC

103Luke 12:57 - 13:8 - Grenfell Tower and JesusDavid LeggParables in Luke/12017luke 12 57-13 8 grenfell tower and jesus LMCC

104Galatians 4:4-6 Genesis 3 - The Wrong Time!David LeggIf I were in charge of Christmas/12017galatians 4 gen 3 xmas1 2017

1051 Kings 19 - Elijah - DepressionDavid LeggHot Topics/420171 kings 19 depressionUnderstanding and helping people with depression.

106Isaiah 5 - Harvest - God's VineyardDavid Legg et alHarvest/12017harvest 2017 isaiah 5

107Galatians 6:7-10 - You Reap What You Sow - Sowing to Please the SpiritDavid LeggHarvest/12017galatians 6 7-10 harvest

108Matthew 28:16-20 - Be a Confident Disciple-making Disciple with Jesus' Authority!David LeggGreat Commission/12017matthew 28 16-20 IBCPreached at Ivybridge Baptist Church 2017

109Keep in step with the SpiritDavid LeggGalatians/12017galatians 5 25-6 10ACC 2011/02/27

110What stops people from getting right with God?David LeggGalatians/12017galatians 1 1-10 ACCGalatians 1vv1-10

111Luke 23:50-24:24 - The Empty Tomb: The VerdictDavid LeggEaster/22017luke23 50-24 24 easter sundayMore internal and external evidence for the resurrection

1121 Peter 1:1; Luke 22:24-34 - Why Listen to Peter?David LeggDon't Peter Out!/12017luke 22 24-34 intro to 1 Peter

1131 Peter 5:10-14 - Stand Firm by making good use og God's means of grace.David LeggDon't Peter Out/1220171 Peter 5 10-14 stand firm

1141 Peter 5:1-11 - Humility Now - Getting God to bless usDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/1120171 Peter 5 1-11 humility nowElders, Presbyters, Shepherds, Everyone, Humility, Favour, Grace

1151 Peter 5:14b - Being In ChristDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/1020171 Peter 4 14b in christThe very last line in 1 Peter.

1161 Peter 4:12-19 - Surprising SufferingDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/920171 Peter 4 12-19 surprising sufferingDo nto be surprised...Persevere with faith and understanding of what God is doing.

1171 Peter 4:1-11 - Living for GodDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/820171 Peter 4 1-11 living 4 godHe gets the glory; we get the blessing and joy.

1181 Peter 3:8-22 - How to be Prepared to Share Your Hope/FaithDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/620171 Peter 3 8-22 how to be prepared

1191 Peter 2:4-10 - Sharing the Privilege of Being God's PeopleDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/420171 Peter 2 4-10 sharing the privilege

1201 Peter 2:21-3:7 - Counter-Cultural Living - Saving Your Husband - Equality, DifferencesDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/520171 Peter 2 21-3 7 counter cultural living

1211 Peter 1:3-12 - Keeping Your Hope AliveDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/220171 Peter 1 3-12 hope

1221 Peter 1:13-2:3 - Holy Living - Translating our Hope into HolinessDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/320171 Peter 1 13-2 3 holy livingFamily, blame, shame culture and biblical holiness

1231 Peter 1:1-2; 2:9-10 - Living as StrangersDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/120171 Peter 1 1-2 2 9-10How can we be confident that God will bless us?

124Daniel 1 - Whodunnit?David LeggDaniel/12017daniel 1 whodunnit

125Matthew 2:1-19 - The Wrong VisitorsDavid LeggChristmas/32017matthew 2 1-19 xmas4 2017Bow the knee to king Jesus; worship him.

126Matthew 1:21 - Whom Did Jesus Come to Save?David LeggChristmas/2017matthew 1 21 egg ACCHow can we benefit nowadays from what Jesus came to do?

127John 7:37-52 - Come to me all you who are thirsty - Was Jesus Born int he Wrong Place?David LeggChristmas/22017john 7 37-52 xmas2 2017

128Romans 4 - Righteousness through Faith AloneDavid LeggAlone - 5 Solas of the Reformation/22017romans 4 faith aloneSola Fide

129John 6:44 - Salvation through Grace Alone - What will you say when you get to the pearly gates?David LeggAlone - 5 Solas of the Reformation/12017john 6 44 grace alone

130Isaiah 59:12-21 - In Christ AloneDavid LeggAlone - 5 Solas of the Reformation/32017isaiah 59 12-21 christ aloneSolus Christus

131Ephesians 1:1-14 - To God's Glory Alone Soli Deo GloriaDavid LeggAlone - 5 Solas of the Reformation/52017ephesians 1 1-14 gods glory alone

132Deuteronomy 6:4-9 : Scripture (Bible) Alone - The ShemaDavid LeggAlone - 5 Solas of the Reformation/42017deu 6 4-9 bible aloneLoving God and his word, its final authority over us

133Psalm 42 - Talking to YourselfDavid LeggWisdom/12016psalm 42 talking to yourself LMCCStop listening to yourself and start talking gospel truth to your soul.

134Matthew 27:57-28:15 - The Day that Shook the EarthDavid LeggThe Day that Shook the Earth/12016matthew 27 57-28 15 easter LMCCDo we believe in the resurrection?

135The Authentic Bible SeminarDavid LeggSeminars/12016the authentic bible seminar 2016

136Luke 9:51-10:4 - Think Kingdom, Not ClubDavid LeggParables in Luke/62016luke 9 51-10 4 think kingdom parables LMCCParables from the end of Luke 9 and beginning of Luke 10

137Luke 8:1-21 - The Parables of the Sower and the LampDavid LeggParables in Luke/52016luke 8 1-21 sower lamp family LMCCAre we part of Jesus' genuine spiritual family? The parables reveal all.

138Luke 7:31-50 - Are You a Child of Wisdom or a Child of the Market-place?David LeggParables in Luke/42016luke 6 46-7 10 jesus and the sinful woman LMCCThe parables of the market-place children, wisdom's children, the forgiven debtors

139Luke 6:46-7:10 - Building Your Life on the Rock of Obedience to Jesus' WordsDavid LeggParables in Luke/32016luke 6 46-7 10 house on the rock LMCC

140Luke 6:37-45 - Five Heart ParablesDavid LeggParables in Luke/22016luke 6 37-45 5 parables LMCCHas Jesus given you a new heart yet?

141Luke 5:27-39 - 4 Parables - Jesus' New WineDavid LeggParables in Luke/12016luke 5 27-39 4 parables LMCCJesus' parables teach us to repent, trust and obey him.

142Luke 16:16-31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus - 3 Things We Need to Know Now about Heaven and HellDavid LeggParables in Luke/232016luke 16 16-31 hades LMCC

143Luke 16:1-15 - Money, money, money - Three The parablesDavid LeggParables in Luke/222016luke 16 1-15 money LMCCThe three parables of the shrewed manager, trustworthiness and serving God or Mammon(!)

144Luke 15:1-10 - The Wayward SonDavid LeggParables in Luke/142016luke 15 1-10 LMCC

145Luke 14:25-35 - Shocking Discipleship - The Parables of the tower, surrendering at war, and saltDavid LeggParables in Luke/192016luke 14 25-35 LMCC

146Luke 14:12-24 - There is still room for youDavid LeggParables in Luke/182016luke 14 12-24 LMCCNo room for excuses, but there is still room for strangers at Jesus' feast in the kingdom of God

147Luke 13:18-35 - The Mustard Seed, Yeast and Narrow Door ParablesDavid LeggParables in Luke/152016luke 13 18-35 narrow door LMCC

148Luke 12:54-13:8 - The Fig Tree's Last Chance - RepentanceDavid LeggParables in Luke/122016luke 12 54-13 8 fig trees last chance repentance LMCC

149Luke 12:35-48 - Surprising Grace Parables - Servants, Master, Managers, UsDavid LeggParables in Luke/112016luke 12 35-48 surprising grace parables LMCC

150Luke 12:13-34 - The Antidote to WorryDavid LeggParables in Luke/102016luke 12 13-34 The Antidote to Worry LMCCThe Rich Fool parable and Worry

151Luke 11:29-54 - How to Have Healthy EyesDavid LeggParables in Luke/92016luke 11 29-54 How to Have Healthy Eyes LMCCThe eye parables in Luke 11 and examples of either side

152Luke 11:1-13 - The Midnight Visitor parableDavid LeggParables in Luke/82016luke 11 1-13 Midnight Visitor LMCCPrayer to the Father

153Luke 10:25-42 - Jesus, a Lawyer, the Good Samaritan, Martha and MaryDavid LeggParables in Luke/72016luke 10 25-42 good samaritan LMCCThe Good Samaritan and surrounding material taken together to get the right point of it all.

154Luke 10:1-4 - Dangerous HarvestDavid LeggParables in Luke/172016luke 10 1-4 harvest LMCC

155Nehemiah 9 - Blessings, Trials and Sin. How do they relate?David LeggNehemiah/122016nehemiah 9 LMCCBlessings are trials and trials are blessings.

156Nehemiah 8 - What? No Joy?David LeggNehemiah/112016nehemiah 8 LMCCThe joy of the Lord comes from enjoying his word.

157Nehemiah 7 - Jesus' PrioritiesDavid LeggNehemiah/102016nehemiah 7 LMCC

158Nehemiah 6 - Strength and RighteousnessDavid LeggNehemiah/92016nehemiah 6 LMCC

159Nehemiah 6David LeggNehemiah/82016nehemiah 6 .64k

160Nehemiah 5 - Internal Troubles - PrioritiesDavid LeggNehemiah/72016nehemiah 5 LMCC

161Nehemiah 4 - Resist the Devil! But How?David LeggNehemiah/62016nehemiah 4 LMCC

162Nehemiah 3 - The Book of LifeDavid LeggNehemiah/52016nehemiah 3 LMCC

163Nehemiah 2David LeggNehemiah/42016nehemiah 2 .64k

164Nehemiah 2:10-20 - What God Uses...David LeggNehemiah/32016nehemiah 2 10-20 LMCC

165Nehemiah 2:1-9 - After Prayer...What Comes Next?David LeggNehemiah/22016nehemiah 2 1-9 LMCC

166Nehemiah 1 - What God Did NextDavid LeggNehemiah/12016nehemiah 1 LMCCNehemiah 1 - What God Did Next

167Nehemiah 13 - What will Jesus find when he returns? Nehemiah's HolidayDavid LeggNehemiah/172016nehemiah 13 LMCC

168Nehemiah 12:27-47 - JoyDavid LeggNehemiah/162016nehemiah 12 LMCCGod makes the most important contributions, purification and great joy.

169Nehemiah 11:1-12:26 - Normal Church Life. God save us from being average Christians!David LeggNehemiah/152016nehemiah 11 LMCCI. SACRIFICE 11:1-2 II. LEADERSHIP 3-9 III. HOLINESS 10-14 IV. SERVICE 15-35 V. FLEXIBILITY 36 VI. WORSHIP 12:24-26

170Nehemiah 10 - Church is GoodDavid LeggNehemiah/142016nehemiah 10 LMCCLearn from history; church is good, as is the Bible and even organisation

171nehemiah 10 dwl.64kDavid LeggNehemiah/132016nehemiah 10 .64k

172Hebrews 12:4-14 - The Real EnemyDavid LeggHebrews/12016hebrews 12 4-14 the real enemyDeclare war against sin, not against God or yourself.

173Lee Mill Carols by Candle Light 2016 - Are you ready for Christmas?David Legg et alChristmas/42016carols 2016

174Luke 8:26-39 - The Biggest Mistake About JesusDavid LeggAshford Congregational Church/2016luke 8 26-39 ACC

175Luke 3:1-20 - How got his people ready for ChristmasDavid LeggAre you ready for Christmas?/32016luke 3 1-20 how god got his people ready for christmasJohn the Baptist's preaching

176Luke 2:22-35David LeggAre you ready for Christmas?/52016luke 2 22-35 so were you ready for christmasSimeon et al - The Cost fo Christmas

177Genesis 3:14-24 - How did God get us ready for Christmas?David LeggAre you ready for Christmas?/22016genesis 3 14-24 how did god get us ready for christmas

178Genesis 3:1-15 - Why do we need to get ready for Christmas?David LeggAre you ready for Christmas?/12016genesis 3 1-15 why do we need to get ready for christmasThe fall, God's word and Christmas

179Revelation 8, 9, 11:13-19 - The Seven Warning TrumpetsDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/72016revelation 8 9 11 15-19 LMCCHow do we react when bad things happen?

180Revelation 7 - Meanwhile, back at the KingdomDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/62016revelation 7 LMCCMake sure you sin has been washed away by the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God

181Revelation 6 - What to expect ... JusticeDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/52016revelation 6 LMCCThe Lamb opens the scroll with 7 seals

182Revelation 5 - The Scroll and the Lamb - God's Salvation PlanDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/42016revelation 5 LMCC

183Revelation 4 - God is in Control - Peace, Trust, Worship, SubmissionDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/32016revelation 4 LMCC

184Revelation 2 and 3 - Jesus Audits his Seven ChurchesDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/22016revelation 2-3 LMCCThe letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor

185Revelation 1 - Apocalyse Then and Now - Is this Jesus your Jesus?David LeggApocalypse Then and Now/12016revelation 1 LMCC

186Revelation 10+11: Bearing Witness to the Gospel - The Little Scroll and the Two WitnessesDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/92016revelation 10 1-11 14 LMCCBeing prepared for the cost of sharing the gospel with others

187Proverbs 25 - Old Wisdom for a New YearDavid LeggWisdom/12015proverbs 25 Wisdom in the Bible, especially Prov 25

188John 21:15-25 - Whatever Happened to the Likely Lad?David LeggThe Gospel According to John/462015john 21 15-25 LMCCSimon Peter's resinstatement. Follow Jesus by confessing, serving and being prepared to suffer

189John 21:1-14 - Coping WIth Failure? Or, Living Life with a Capital LDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/452015john 21 1-14 LMCCThe miraculous catch of 153 fish and Jesus bringing Peter to Life

190John 20:1-18 - The Mystery of the Empty Tomb IIDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/432015john 20 1-18 empty tomb2 LMCCJesus' resurrection is physically, intellectually and emotionally compelling

191John 19:28ff - The Mystery of the Empty Tomb Part IDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/422015john 19 28ff empty tomb1 LMCCGood Friday service

192John 18:28-19-27 - Palm Sunday? Rejecting King JesusDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/412015john 18 28-19 27 LMCCSubtle ways in which we can reject Jesus as king.

193John 18:15-27 - Peter Chickens Out!David LeggThe Gospel According to John/402015john 18 15-27 LMCCPeter's denial, us and lying, and Jesus total truthfulness

194John 18:1-14 - Bring On the SubstituteDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/392015john 18 1-14 LMCCJesus deliberately substitutes himself for his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane

195John 17 - Jesus Prays for Us! - Christian/Church UnityDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/382015john 17 LMCCJohn 17 - Unity and Jesus' High Priestly Prayer

196John 16:4b-33 - How to Have PeaceDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/372015john 16 4b-33 LMCCHow Jesus turns our troubles into blessings

197John 15:18-16:4 - Don't Say He Didn't Warn UsDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/362015john 15 18-16 4 LMCCJohn 15:18-16:4 - Don't Say He Didn't Warn Us about people hating us and persecution

198John 15:1-17 - I am the vine - How is Your Branch of the family Doing?David LeggThe Gospel According to John/342015john 15 1-17 LMCCI am the vine, you are the branches. Or are we?

199John 14:12-31 - Doing Greater Things Than Jesus?! - The Holy SpiritDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/332015john 14 12-31 LMCCJohn 14:12-31 - Fulfilling the great commission through the Holy Spirit

200John 13:36-14:14 esp. 14:6 Is Jesus Really the Only Way to God?David LeggThe Gospel According to John/322015john 13-36-14 14 esp 14 6 LMCCI am the way, and the truth, and the life - Jesus - John 14:6

201John 13:18-38 - You Just Can't Get the StaffDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/312015john 13-18-38 LMCCFake Christians, Failed Christians and Loving Christians

202John 13:1-18a - First, Let the Servant Serve You, Then ServeDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/302015john 13-1-18a LMCCShould we wash each other's feet?

203John 12:12-50 - A Question of Thrones - Is Jesus King of Your Life?David LeggThe Gospel According to John/282015john 12-12-50 LMCCThe triumphal entry shows Jesus' kingship. Is he your king?

204John 15 - Don't Say he Didn't Tell YouDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/2015John 15 2nd half do not say he did not tell you

205Acts 17:1-15 - Love and Hate in ThessalonicaDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/172015acts 17 1-15 1thess intro Loving the scriptures and each other

206Exodus 20:16, Acts 5 - Lying - Ananias and SapphiraDavid LeggTen Commandments/9201510 commandments 9 Acts 5 LMCCGive all your sin, including the lies to Jesus; Let him pay for them.

207Exodus 20:15/Luke 12:13-21 - The 8th Commandment - Stealing - The poor fool, the rich foolDavid LeggTen Commandments/8201510 commandments 8 Luke 12 13-21 LMCCThe poor fool, the rich fool from Luke 12

208Exodus 20:14/Hosea 1 - The 7th Commandment - Ashley, Madison, Hosea and Gomer - AdulteryDavid LeggTen Commandments/7201510 commandments 7 Hosea 1 LMCCPhysical and spiritual adultery from Hosea 1, Matthew 5 and Exodus 20:14

209Exodus 20:13 - The 6th Commandment - MurderDavid LeggTen Commandments/6201510 commandments 6 LMCCYes, this is the one with the exploding light bulb.

210Exodus 20:12 - The 5th Commandment - ParentsDavid LeggTen Commandments/5201510 commandments 5 LMCCHow Jesus kept the 5th commandment for us

211Exodus 20:8-11 - The 4th Commandment - The Lord's Day/SabbathDavid LeggTen Commandments/4201510 commandments 4 LMCCRest and remember our salvation together on the Lord's day.

212Exodus 20:7 - The Third Commandment - Bearing God's NameDavid LeggTen Commandments/3201510 commandments 3 LMCCBeing worthy of God's name

213Exodus 20:4-6 - The Second Commandment - WorshipDavid LeggTen Commandments/2201510 commandments 2 LMCCDon't put anything between you and God.

214Exodus 20:1-3 - The First Commandment - No Other GodsDavid LeggTen Commandments/1201510 commandments 1 LMCCLiving life in the presence of God

215Exodus 20:17 - Coveting - Oops, too late!David LeggTen Commandments/10201510 commandments 10 coveting LMCCNo getting off on a technicality!

216Genesis 14 - War, What's It Good For?David LeggRemembrance Sunday/12015genesis 14 war whats it good for short version The battle of Siddim in Genesis 14, Abram, Lot and Jesus' War

217Zechariah 9:1-10 - Shopper? He Gives and Takes Away!David LeggMinor Prophets (ACC)/22015zechariah 9

218Jonah 5 - The Angry Prophet's Told-you-soDavid LeggJonah/52015jonah 4 LMCCDoes Jonah learn to serve the true God?

219Jonah 3 - The Reluctant ProphetDavid LeggJonah/42015jonah 3 LMCCBelieve that God really does forgive.

220Jonah 1:7-17 - Something Fishy - Some pagans meet the real GodDavid LeggJonah/22015jonah 1 7-17 LMCCJonah 1:7-17 - Something Fishy - Some pagans meet the real God

221Jonah 2 - Salvation Comes from God - Idols Come Between You and GodDavid LeggJonah/32015jonah 1 17-2 10 LMCCRelate to God not just as creator but mainly as saviour.

222Jonah 1:1-6 Runaway Prophet - Are we like Jonah?David LeggJonah/12015jonah 1 1-6 LMCCHow well do we represent oru world-class God?

2231 Thessalonians 5:12-28 - Loving good;avoid evil - Church DisciplineDavid LeggI Love the Church - 1 Thessalonians/1020151 thessalonians 5 12-28 LMCCDoing positive church discipline together through Scripture

2241 Thessalonians 5:1-11 - Loving the Light - Jesus is the Problem!David LeggI Love the Church - 1 Thessalonians/920151 thessalonians 5 1-11 LMCCJesus' second coming is the problem and the answer...

2251 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - Love Stronger than DeathDavid LeggI Love the Church - 1 Thessalonians/820151 thessalonians 4 13-18 LMCCBeing encouraged by the real hope of resurrection

2261 Thessalonians 4:1-12 - Loving GodlinessDavid LeggI Love the Church - 1 Thessalonians/720151 thessalonians 4 1-12 LMCCFollowing the instructions from Jesus

2271 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13 - Loving Being TogetherDavid LeggI Love the Church - 1 Thessalonians/620151 thessalonians 2 17-3 13 LMCCHow Paul longed to be physically with the Thessalonians

2281 Thessalonians 2:13-16 - Loving the word; Hated by the worldDavid LeggI Love the Church - 1 Thessalonians/520151 thessalonians 2 13-16 LMCCLoving the word even if the world hates us

2291 Thessalonians 2:1-12 - A church loved by PaulDavid LeggI Love the Church - 1 Thessalonians/420151 thessalonians 2 1-12 LMCCGodly loving produces godly living

2301 Thessalonians 1:4-10 - A church loved by GodDavid LeggI Love the Church - 1 Thessalonians/320151 thessalonians 1 4-10 LMCCHow to know whether God loves us?

2311 Thessalonians 1:1-3 - Thank God for his churchDavid LeggI Love the Church - 1 Thessalonians/220151 thessalonians 1 1-3 LMCCDo we thank, pray for and work for God's church?

232Why do we still get harvests?David LeggHarvest/12015harvest sermonette why do we still get harvests LMCC

233Isaiah 8:19 - 9:7 - ScroogeDavid LeggFour Kinds of Christmas - Which are You?/12015isaiah 8 9 scrooge LMCC

234War - What is it good for?David LeggFeltham Bible Focus/2015war what is it good for

235Expect OppositionDavid LeggFeltham Bible Focus/2015expect opposition

236Matthew 2:1-12 - The Magi - Wise or Foolish? Nothing like SantaDavid LeggChristmas/32015matthew 2 1-12 magi wise

237Luke 1:46-55 - The MagnificatDavid LeggChristmas/22015christmas morning 2015 the magnificatMary's song in Luke 1

238Lee Mill Carols by Candlelight 2015David Legg, Ivor and Kelly LanderChristmas/12015carols by candlelightFirst 5 minutes missing, sadly :(

239Amos, God's Judgement and PrayerDavid LeggAmos/12015amos 1 2 7 LMCCHow should the certainty of God's judgement, albeit often delayed, affect how we pray?

240John 20:19-31 - The Resurrection - Believe Without SeeingDavid LeggACC/2015john 20 19-31 ACC

2413 John - Four Examples - Friendship and HospitalityDavid Legg3 John/120153 john friendship hospitalityLearning from the 4 examples in 3 John.

242Esther 9, 10 - Help from HeroesDavid LeggUnfinished Business/2014esther 9 and 10 mordecai help from heroes

243Esther 9 and 10 - Mordecai - Help from HeroesDavid LeggUnfinished Business/82014esther 9 10 LMCCEsther 9 and 10 - Unfinished Business - Mordecai - Help from Heroes

244Esther 7, 8 - Just Deserts for DessertDavid LeggUnfinished Business/62014esther 7 8 LMCCEsther 7 and 8 - Haman gets his just deserts for dessert - Unfinished Business

245Esther 4, 6 - A bad day at the officeJohn MangerUnfinished Business/52014esther 5 and 6 JPM LMCCA bad day at the office for Haman - Esther chapters 5 and 6

246Esther 4 - Jesus: A Much Better Saviour than EstherDavid LeggUnfinished Business/42014esther 4 LMCCJesus: A Much Better Saviour than Esther - Esther 4

247Esther 3 - Who is in Control?David LeggUnfinished Business/2014esther 3 who is in control

248Esther 3 - Trouble is Part of God's Plan TooDavid LeggUnfinished Business/32014esther 3 LMCCTrouble is Part of GOd's Plan Too - Esther 3 - Unfinished Business

249Esther 2 - God's Move/Who's in Control?David LeggUnfinished Business/22014esther 2 LMCCEsther 2 - Who's in Control?

250Esther 1 - Whose Kingdom?David LeggUnfinished Business/12014esther 1 LMCCEsther 1 - Whose Kingdom? - Unfinished Business

251Rita's ShepherdThe Lord is My Shepherd/12014psalm 23 rita willcocks funeral sermonetteRita Willcocks funeral

252John 9 - Visually Impairment and Spiritual SightDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/242014john 9 LMCCJohn 9 - 2 Trajectories through John 9, the man born blind and that of the Pharisees

253John 8:30-59 - Before Abraham Was Born, I AmDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/222014john 8 30-59 LMCCJohn 8:30-59 - Before Abraham Was, I Am

254John 8:12-30 - I am the Light of the WorldDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/202014john 8 12-30 LMCCGetting Jesus' identity right and trusting him for eternal life

255John 7:10-52 - Jesus and Blocker BeliefsDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/202014john 7 10-52 LMCCJesus and Blocker Beliefs - John 7:10-52

256John 7:1-39 - Jesus' Perfect TimingDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/192014john 7 1-39 LMCCJesus' Perfect Kairos Timing Shows that the Feast of Tabernacles is all about him pouring out the Holy Spirit on his people.

257John 6:60-71 - The Words of Eternal LifeDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/172014john 6 60-71 LMCCJohn 6:60-71 The Words of Eternal Life, Assurance and Apostasy

258John 6:24-59 - Jesus' Sermon at Capernaum - I Am the Bread of LifeDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/162014john 6 24-59 LMCCJohn 6:24-59 Jesus' Sermon at Capernaum - I Am the Bread of Life

259John 6:1-25 - Jesus - More than adequateDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/152014john 6 1-25 LMCCFeeding of 5000 and Walking on Water signs and Jesus' total adequacy

260John 5:31-6:4 - Jesus' Four WitnessesDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/142014john 5 31-6 4 LMCCDon't repent in the wrong direction! Turn towards Jesus on the basis of his 4 witnesses

261John 5:16-30 - Judge JesusDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/132014john 5 16-30 LMCCJudge Jesus - John 5:16-30

262John 5:1-18 - Do you want to be made well?David LeggThe Gospel According to John/112014john 5 1-18 LMCCJohn 5:1-18 The healing at the pool

263John 4:43-54 - Telefaith is Real FaithDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/102014john 4 43-54 LMCCTelefaith is Real Faith - John 4:43-54

264This man really is the saviour of the world!David LeggThe Gospel According to John/92014john 4 3-43 LMCCJesus and the Samaritans

265He Must Become GreaterDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/82014john 3 22-4 3 LMCCJohn 3:22-4:3 esp. v30

266Reality - John 3David LeggThe Gospel According to John/82014john 3 12-21 LMCCJohn's Gospel - Chapter 3:12-21 - Reality

267Jesus Teaches the Teacher a Lesson - Being Born AgainDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/72014john 2 23-3-11 LMCCJesus Teaches the Teacher a Lesson - Being Born Again

268The Next Sign - The Cleansing of the TempleDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/72014john 2 12-23 LMCCThe Next Sign - The Cleansing of the Temple - John 2

269Jesus' 1st Sign, But of What?David LeggThe Gospel According to John/62014john 2 1-11 LMCCJesus' 1st Sign John 2:1-11

270John 1:6-17 - Jesus, 3D Printers, and the need for power and grace to become God's childrenDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/22014john 1 6-17 LMCCJohn 1:6-17 - Jesus, 3D printers and the Gospel

271Jesus, the Lamb of God, DeliversDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/42014john 1 35-51 LMCCJesus, the Lamb of God, Delivers

272John 1:19-34 - Who's WhoDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/32014john 1 19-34 LMCCWho's Who - John 1:19-34

273John 1:1-5 - In the BeginningDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/12014john 1 1-5 LMCCJohn's Gospel - In the Beginning John 1:1-15

274John 11:45-12:11 - Three Loves: Jesus', Judas' and Mary'sDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/292014john 11 45-12 11 LMCCMary's faith and love for Jesus in the context of Jesus' love and in contrast with Judas Iscariot's.

275John 11:1-45 - Lazarus' Resurrection Changes EverythingDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/282014john 11 1-45 LMCCJohn 11:1-45 The raising of Lazarus by Jesus and Our Resurrection

276John 10:22-42 - Believe Without Seeing MiraclesDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/272014john 10 22-42 LMCCJohn 10:22-42 Believing about and in Jesus despite not seeign his miraculous signs

277John 10:1-21 - The Good ShepherdDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/262014john 10 1-21 LMCCDistinguish between good and bad shepherds. Rely on Jesus, the Good Shepherd, John 10

2781 Samuel 17 - The Battle Belongs to the Lord - David, Goliath and JesusDavid LeggThe Battle Belongs to the Lord - David, Goliath and Jesus/120141 sam 17 david goliath iebcThe Battle Belongs to the Lord - David, Goliath and Jesus

279Luke 24 - The Invisible ManDavid LeggSunday Evening in Ivybridge/12014luke 24 invisible man iebcJesus can be the invisible man for us when we read the OT or pray.

280Ruth 4:1-12 - The Redeemer RedeemsDavid LeggRuth/52014ruth4 1-12 Learn from Boaz the redeemer about Jesus the redeemer - Ruth chapter 4

281Ruth 3 - Ruth ProposesDavid LeggRuth/42014ruth3 Boaz models for us Jesus our Redeemer

282Ruth 1:6-22 - No More Babies - RepentanceDavid LeggRuth/22014ruth1 6-22 Ruth 1:6-22 - No More Babies - Repentance

283Ruth 1:1-5 - God's kindness in RuthDavid LeggRuth/12014ruth1 1-5 LMCCGod's kindness in Ruth

284Matthew 1:1-21 - Just a Boring Genealogy? End of Ruthg seriesDavid LeggRuth/72014matthew 1 1-21 LMCCThe end of Ruth is a genealogy that is expanded in Matthew chapter 1

285Phil 3:1-11 - True Confidence, But in What?phil 3 1Phil 3:1-11 - True Confidence, But in What?/62014phil 3 1-11 LMCCPhil 3:1-11 - True Confidence, But in What?

286Standing Firm as Christians - Phil 3:10-4:1phil 3 10Partnership in the Gospel/82014phil 3 10-4 1 LMCCStanding Firm as Christians - Phil 3:10-4:1 - Partnership in the Gospel

287Work Out Yours Salvation With Fear and Trembling - Phil 2:12-30phil 2 12Partnership in the Gospel/52014phil 2 12-30 LMCCHaving right motivation, contrasting lives and taking risks for the sake of the gospel

288Praying for Gospel Partnersphil 1 9Partnership in the Gospel/22014phil 1 9-11 LMCCPhil 1:9-11 Praying for Gospel Partners

289Christlike Humility Leads to Unityphil 1 27Partnership in the Gospel/32014phil 1 27-2 11 LMCCPhil 1:27-2:11 Christlike Humility Leads to Unity

290Phil 1:12-30 - The Gospel Gives Freedomphil 1 12Partnership in the Gospel/32014phil 1 12-30 LMCCPhil 1:12-30 - The Gospel Gives Freedom

291No Stress, No Joyphil4 1Partnership in the Gospel/82014phil4 1-19 LMCCPhil 4:1-19 No Stress, No Joy

292Partnership in the Gospel, Phil 1:1-9phil 1 1Partnership in the Gospel - Philippians/12014phil 1 1-9 LMCCPartnership in the Gospel - Philippians 1:1-9

293Paul in Athens - Know Your IdolsDavid LeggKnow Your Idols/12014acts 17 paul in athens know your idols iebcPaul in Athens - Acts 17 - Know Your Idols

294Introduction to Genesis Roller Coaster Bible Study SeriesDavid Legg et alIntroduction to Genesis Roller Coaster Bible Study Series/12014introduction to genesis roller coaster bible studiesLee Mill Bible Study - Introduction to Genesis Roller Coaster Bible Study Series

295Romans 12, Isaiah 1 - How to be More ChristlikeDavid LeggHow to be More Christlike/12014romans 12 isaiah 1 LMCCOffering our bodies as a living sacrifice from Romans 12. Whole-life worship.

296Sshh, Don't Wake the Baby - Carols by CandlelightDavid LeggChristmas/12014xmas eve 20142014 Lee Mill Carol Service

2971 Timothy 2 - Pleasing God, Blessing OthersDavid LeggWhat it means to be church/120131 timothy 2Prayer, Behaviour and Roles in 1 Timothy 2

298Luke 11:1-2 - Learning How to PrayDavid LeggThe Lords Prayer/32013luke 11 1-2 lords prayer 3 LMCCThe Lord's Prayer #3: Learning to Pray

299How NOT to PrayDavid LeggThe Lord's Prayer/12013matthew 6 5-15 lords prayer 1 LMCCHow NOT to Pray like the hypocrites, heathen but honestly. The Lord's Prayer #1

300Praying for your NeedsDavid LeggThe Lord's Prayer/52013matthew 6 11-13 luke 11 lords prayer 5 LMCCThe Lord's Prayer #5: Praying for your Needs

301Luke 11:1-13 - Just Do ItDavid LeggThe Lord's Prayer/62013luke 11 1 13 lords prayer 6 LMCCThe Lord's Prayer #6: Just Do It!

302Luke 11:1-13 - To Whom Shall We Pray?David LeggThe Lord's Prayer/22013luke 11 1-13 lords prayer 2 LMCCTo Whom Shall We Pray? The Lords Prayer #2 Luke 11 1-13

303Luke 11:1-2, Matthew 6 - Prayer PrioritiesDavid LeggThe Lord's Prayer #4/42013luke 11 1-2 matthew 6 lords prayer 4 LMCCThe Lord's Prayer 4 - Prayer Priorities

304Matthew 25 - The TalentsDavid LeggTalents/12013matthew 25Talents at Stanwell Cong

3051 Timothy 3:14-1 - Pillar and Foundation of the TruthDavid LeggPillars and Foundations (ACC)/120131 timothy 3-14 16Pillar and Foundation of the Truth

306It's All About the Harvest: The Parable of the SowerDavid LeggHarvest/12013mark 4 1-29 parable of sower LMCCThe Sower, Mark 4, It's All About the Harvest

307Better to be a lost sheep...David LeggDelight in the Bible/12013psalm 119 153-176Better to be a lost sheep than a Pharisee

308Delight in the BibleDelight in the Bible/12013psalm 119 1-32Sermon on Psalm 119vv1-32 preached on 14th July, 2013 at Lee Mill

309The Lord's Supper - A Dangerous Place!David LeggCommunion/12013matthew 26 lords supper LMCCHow to make good use of the Lord's Supprt/Communion

310Luke 2:15-21 - Why the shepherds rushed to see JesusDavid LeggChristmas Uncut/32013luke 2 15-21 why the shepherds rushed uncut 3 LMCCChristmas Uncut #3 - Why the Shepherds Rushed to See Jesus

311Luke 2:1-14 - The Angel's SurprisesDavid LeggChristmas Uncut/22013luke 2 1-14 the angels surprises christmas uncut 2 LMCCChristmas Uncut 2 - The Angel's Surprises

312Herod - Candles by CarollightDavid LeggChristmas Uncut/52013christmas uncut herod in pieces LMCCChristmas Uncut #5 - Herod

313Matthew 2:1-12 Were the Magi Wise Men?David LeggChristmas Uncut 4/42013matthew 2 1-12 christmas uncut the magi wise men LMCCMatthew 2:1-12 Christmas Uncut #4 - Were the Magi Wise Men?

314Luke 1:26-56 - MaryDavid LeggChristmas Uncut 1/12013luke 1 26-56 mary christmas uncut 1 LMCCChristmas Uncut 1: Mary

315Be a blessing to those near and far like Abraham wasDavid LeggBe a blessing to those near and far like Abraham was/12013genesis 18 19 LMCCGenesis 18 and 19 Be a blessing to those near and far like Abraham was

316Revelation 5 Its All About the LambDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/12013revelation 5Its all about the Lamb - Apocalypse Then and Now Reve,ation 5

317Revelation_2_3 - What Jesus is doing with his 7 ChurchesDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/2013revelation 2 and 3

318Revelation 22 - Jesus is coming SoonDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/12013revelation 22

319Apocalypse Then and NowDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/12013revelation 19 11ffJesus the Judge and Warrior

320Keep Your Clothes OnApocalypse Then and Now/12013revelation 15 and 16Apocalypse Then and Now - Keep Your Clothes On Rev 15 and 16

321Justification Through Faith AloneDavid LeggAlone - 5 Solas of the Reformation/12013genesis 15 16 LMCCAbraham and Faith/Justification

322The End of Abraham?David LeggAbraham/12013genesis 25 LMCCThe Death of Abraham and Resurrection from Genesis 25

323Genesis 36 - Don't Peel off like EsauDavid LeggAbraham and Sons/12013genesis 36 obadiah esau LMCCGenesis 36, Obadiah, Don't Peel off like Esau

324Luke 16 - Wisdom from AbrahamDavid LeggAbraham Man of Faith/12013luke 16 wisdom from abraham LMCCWisdom from Abraham the man of faith

325John 8:30-59 - Being Children of AbrahamDavid LeggAbraham Man of Faith/12013john 8 30-59 being children of abraham LMCCBeing Children of Abraham, Man of Faith

326Hebrews_11_8-16 - Following Abraham's ExampleDavid LeggAbraham Man of Faith/12013hebrews 11 8-16 abraham LMCCAbraham Man of Faith - Following Abraham's Example

327Joseph - Abraham's Great GrandsonDavid LeggAbraham Man of Faith/12013genesis 39 joseph LMCCAbraham's great grandson, Joseph Genesis 39-41

328Abraham - Surprised by JesusDavid LeggAbraham - Surprised by Jesus/12013genesis 22 LMCCGenesis 22 - Abraham - Surprised by Jesus

329Whose side are you on?David LeggUnfinished Business/12012esther 9 whose side are you on

330John 20_19-31 - The Resurrection - Believe Without SeeingDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/12012john 20 19-31 sccBelieve in the Resurrection without seeing direct evidence. Do not be like Thomas, at first.

331Rejecting JesusDavid LeggThe Gospel According to John/12012john 19 14-27 ACCFinding clever ways of rejecting Jesus the King without actually crucifying him!

332Jesus does not need our help does he?David LeggThe Acts of Jesus/92012acts 9 1-31 Jesus does not need out help does he?

333Acts 8 - The Lord of the Twists and TurnsDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/72012acts 7 55-9 25 Acts Series - The Lord of the Twists Acts 8

334Acts 17 - Athens and Your idolsDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/192012acts 17 16-34 Athens and Your Idols

335Acts 15 - Problem Solving FirstDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/152012acts 15 36-16 5 The importance of solving problems

336Acts 13 - Honouring the word of the LordDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/132012acts 13 13-52

337Acts 11 - Why were they called Christians?David LeggThe Acts of Jesus/122012acts 11 19-30 Being worthy of the name Christian

338Acts 11 - Jesus has not forgotten the Great Commission. Have we?David LeggThe Acts of Jesus/112012acts 11 1-18

339Studying and Preaching NarrativeDavid LeggSeminars/2012bible workshop 2012

340Mankind and SinPillars and Foundations/12012pillars 3 mankind and sin P and F 3

341PluralismDavid Legg et alHot Topics/12012pluralism Pluralism

342Evil and SufferingVarious Smiths and a LeggHot Topics/12012hot topics1 evil and suffering ACCSuffering and Evil in the 1st of the ACC Hot Topics seminars

343Adam: Man or MythHot Topics extra/12012romans 5 adam man or mythHot Topics extra for ACC, Adam, Man or Myth

3442 Corinthians 5:11-6-2David LeggGods Role and Our Role in Evangelism/120122 corinthians 5-11 6-2 Passion for Life Vitamins 2: Gods Role and Our Role in Evangelism

345Ecclesiastes 1 and 12 - Introduction to EcclesiastesDavid LeggEcclesiastes/12012ecclesiastes 1 12 Do not do life the hard wayIntroduction to Ecclesiastes for ACC in the light of Barry Webb's instights. Learn wisdom from Solomon in Ecclesiastes. The profound difference between observational wisdom and revealed wisdom. How Solomon learned the difference. How we can save ourselves a whole load of grief by learning from Solomon, i.e. from scripture. (Handout)

346The Lord's SupperDavid LeggCommunion/12012matthew 26 26-30 ACCMaking good use of communion

347The View from HeavenDavid W. LeggAntidote to Humanism/12012genesis 6 ACCGenesis 6v1-8

348Lamentatons 2 - A stitch in timeDavid LeggA stitch in time: Lam 2/12012lamentations 2A stitch in time: Lam 2

3493 John (whole) Hospitality etc -David Legg3 John/320123 john 3 John - Putting 1 John into Practice

3501 Corinthians 12 - All Gifts on Deck!David Legg1 Corinthians/220121 corinthians 12 egg ACC.64kHz

351Acts 6:1-7 - Do Not Be Suspicious of OrganisationDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/62011acts 6 1-7 Gods Solution to Gods Problem - Organisation

352Acts 17 - EvangelismDavid LeggThe Acts of Jesus/182011acts 17 1-18 Jesus has his people all around us

353Isaiah - Preaching and Leading SeminarDavid Legg at alSeminars/22011isaiah seminarACC Preaching and Leading Workshop

354Isaiah 36+37David LeggReal Trust, Real Prayer, Real Victory/2011isaiah 36-37 ACC, April 2011

355Isaiah 9 to 10 - The Antidote to Fear: The RemnantDavid LeggIsaiah/12011isaiah 9-10 Esp. Isaiah 10:19-24

356Isaiah 49 - The 2nd Servant SongDavid LeggIsaiah/12011isaiah 49 V. brief intro to Isaiah without much history and then exposition of Chapter 49

357The Man Friday PrincipleDavid LeggIsaiah 40-44/12011isaiah 40-44 5 Ashford Congregational Church 18:00 15/05/2011

358God is determined to bless his peoplenumbers 6 22God is determined to bless his people/12011numbers 6 22-27 Num 6: God is determined to bless his people

359Revelation 3 - The Letter of Jesus to the Church in PhiladelphiaDavid LeggApocalypse Then and Now/2011revelation 3 An ACC 'Space' service

360Revelation 3:7-11 - Jesus in Philadelphiarevelation 3 7Apocalypse Then and Now/12011revelation 3 7-13 Jesus in Philadelphia Rev 3 7-11

3611 Corinthians 3:12 - How Can We Build, Not with Straw, But with GoldDavid Legg1 Corinthians/120111 corinthians 3 64kStanwell Congregatonal Church

362Psalm 77 - He Plants his Footsteps in the SeaDavid LeggWisdom/2010psalm 77 scc.128kHzThe psalmist's distress ... the psalmist understands

363Genesis 15 and 16David LeggThe Sovereignty of God in Genesis/12010genesis 15 and 16 ACCJustification Through Faith Alone in Genesis 15 and 16

364Genesis 15 and 16David LeggThe Sovereignty of God in Genesis/12010genesis 15 and 16Justification Through Faith Alone in Genesis 15 and 16

365Genesis - Introduction - The Genesis Roller CoasterDavid LeggThe Genesis Roller Coaster/22010genesis mistakes to avoid and themesIntroduction to Genesis for Preachers at Ashford Cong

366Genesis 36, Obadiah - Don't Peel Off!David LeggStanwell Congregational church/12010genesis 36 sccDon't Peel Off!

367Genesis 36, ObadiahDavid LeggStanwell Congregational church/12010genesis 36 Don't Peel Off!

368Romans 9, 10David LeggRomans/2010romans 9-10 64k

369Matthew 6:33 - First things firstDavid LeggMatthew/12010matthew 6 33 sccMatthew 6v33 from Sermon on Mount

370Genesis 50:20 God's SovereigntyDavid LeggIntroduction to Genesis Preaching Series/12010genesis 50 20Ashford Cong 28/02/2010

371Genesis 30, 31 - Jacob: Trouble with SheepDavid LeggGenesis/12010genesis 30 31 sccStanwell Congregational Church, 18th July, 2010

372Blessing PeopleDavid LeggGenesis/2010genesis 18 and 19

373Jacob: Trouble With SheepDavid LeggGenesis 30 and 31/12010genesis 30 31 ACCAshford Congregational Church

374Genesis 2 and 3 - Rest, Leisure and RelaxationDavid LeggFeltham Bible Focus/12010genesis 2 3 feltham bible focusGenesis 2v3

375Genesis 48 and 49 - True God, True Christ, True BlessingDavid LeggChapters 48 and 49 from the ACC Genesis Preaching Series/12010genesis 48 49 Chapters 48 and 49 from the ACC Genesis Preaching Series

376Romans 15:16 - Faith AloneDavid LeggAlone - 5 Solas of the Reformation/2010romans 15 16 FEC faith alone

377Genesis 39 to 41 - God's Sovereignty is PersonalDavid LeggACC 2010 Genesis Series/12010genesis 39 to 41 ACCGenesis 39,40 and 41

3781 John 2:28 - 3:1 Being in God's FamilyDavid Legg1 John (ACC)/120101 john 2 28-3 10 Being in Gods familyBeing in God's Family

379Alcohol and Self ControlDavid LeggWise Up (Sermons from Proverbs)/22009alcohol and self controlProv 23 Gen 6+9 Gal 5

380Getting God to Bless UspsalmPsalm 133/12009psalm 133Ashford Cong am 30/08/2009

381Partnership in the GospelPhilippians 1:1-11/12009philippians 1 FECHow the gospel produces partnership, fruit and feelings.

382BioethicsDavid LeggHot Topics/2009bioethics

383Genesis 6 - The View from HeavenDavid LeggGenesis/2009genesis 6 sccGenesis 6

384The Invisible ManDavid LeggACC Series on Luke 2007-9/2009luke 24 invisible manJesus in the OT and in prayer.

3851 Timothy 6:3-11 - Money TroubleDavid Legg1 Timothy/120091 timothy 6 3-11 ACC1 Tim 6:10 love of money

3861 Timothy 6:3-11 - Money Trouble?David Legg1 Timothy/1120091 timothy 6 3-11

387Ruth 4 - The Redeemer RedeemsD.W. LeggRuth/2008ruth4 varBoaz as a type of Christ

388Ruth 4 - Can he Marry Ruth? Can he Redeem Ruth and Naomi?David LeggRuth/52008ruth4 128kStanwell Congregational Church

389Ruth 1 - God Brings Good out of Bad through RepentanceDavid LeggRuth/2008ruth1 64kWhat God does to bring about repentance. What he does as a result of repentance.

3901 Peter 4:1-11 - Don't Waste Your LifeDavid LeggDon't Peter Out/720081 Peter 4 1-11 81kbs

391Joshua 8 - AiDavid LeggJoshua/82007joshua 8Crackles die down after abit

392Whose World Is It Anyway?David LeggVarious Texts Youth Message/2006whose world is it egg.64kHzAshford Cong 10/2005

393Judges: SamsonDavid LeggSeries on Judges at ACC, Mx./12006samson 64kPreached 27th August, 2006.

394JoelDavid LeggMajoring on the Minors/22006joel egg ACC.64kHzACC Series 2006

395Ephesians 4:17-32 - You are what you wear?David LeggEphesians/2006ephesians 4 17-32 ACCPutting off your old self, putting on your new self

396Ephesians 2:11-22 - Be Motivated by the GospelDavid LeggAshford Congregatonal Church/2006ephesians 2 13-22.64kHzACC 1/10./2006 6pm

397Exodus 12 - The PassoverDavid W. LeggAshford Congregational Church/2006exodus 12 egg ACC.64kHz

398Psalm 63 Can you ever have too much of a good thing?David LeggACC Youth Message/2006psalm 63 egg ACC.64kHz

399Joshua 2 - RahabDavid LeggJoshua/joshua 2 rahab 22kHzFirst 2 points only